Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Leadership reflection


Leadership is defined as that act of leading a group of people in organization or in any situation. In day today life the leadership have a numerous studies to how to approach and approach are define in many types in theories, model and style. Theories explain the concept that if it apply in such situation that approach produce the expected changes in the situation. Leadership leaders need support from the teachers or colleagues for development or growth. The leadership performance is more examine than before, colleagues and society keep more expectation on the leader. It is become very necessary to perform well in this situation. Even then the leadership literature, (Martin, 2006)concluded that “there are almost as many definitions of leadership as there are persons who have attempted to define the concept.”
This assignment explains the theories and concepts of the leadership theories, models and style which used by the supervisor. Also cover few examples when the supervisor used the key point of the leadership concept in his work area. When it used what are the benefits and disadvantage happen also derived in the topic. The concept of all theories explain for different situation it will be suitable for some of concern situation. This cannot be used in all situation which are not suitable for the time. The problem that faced by the supervisor when it is not applicable and how he overcome from the situation also covered in this assignment,
Leadership is “the relationship in which one person, the leader, influences others to work together willingly on related tasks to attain that which the leader desires” (Bass, 1990)

Introduction of leader and model used

The selective leader is the supervisor Mohamed Shammed who are working in the school for more the fifteen year. He joined the school GA.AEC in the year 1990 as a teacher, then he continue as teacher up to 2000. He got promotion from teacher to supervisor in 2001. He have completed master of education in 2017, he is the most responsible person for the secondary in charge of the school. He is the decision maker in all situation and issue solving. His leadership theories, models and styles are related to the course topic.
Models represent a common aspect in every situation at the same time effective leaders pay attention to three areas of need for members of the team: those relating to the task, to the team itself, and to individual members of the team. Here the leader responsibility is to balance the task, team and individual.
The task represent the organization task have set out clearly and plan. The leader have to look after the team need is to interact, support then giving confidents and motivation in all situation. The third one is individual need that have to look keenly because if the follower satisfy in the circumstance then the follower puts their full effort in all works.
Above all mention model structure our selective supervisor involve in most of the activities. Supervisor meet the individual coworker in the school and discusses about their problem and give guidelines and support in all his best in all situation.

Leadership theory and style

Theory explains the concept and assumption of situation problem solving, growth and development. It consist of different types of theories terms of traits theories, behavior theories, Contingency Theories, Transactional Theories and Transformational Theories
Traits theory explains that the leader are born or made with certain quality of leadership that will make excellence in leadership role. The qualities are such as intelligence, creativity, sense of responsibility and other values who have in natural they hold the leadership role or eligible to leadership role (Graham, 1997).
Behavioral theories are proposing an original perception, any one that concentrations on the behaviors of the leaders as different to their mental, social characteristics or physical. Thus, with the progresses in psychometrics, particularly the issue analysis, researchers were able to quantity the cause an effects relationship of specific human behaviors from leaders. From this point forward anyone with the right conditioning could have access to the once before elite club of naturally gifted leaders. In other words, leaders are made not born.
Contingency Leadership theory explains that leadership is not only base on any character or talent or some features. It is role situational deciding and solving the issues contingency theories that leader are more prospective to express their leadership when they feel that their supporters will be responsive.
Transformational leadership state that the organizational goal is based on the relation with in the group of member by interacting each other. Once everyone interact each other the ideas will transform each other and employee by intentionally involve to work for the goal. Interaction make a good relationship and trust on each other followers easily identify the leader’s expectation and goals. Rules and regulation are flexible in this theory.

Leadership style of the selective leader

Leadership style is a leader’s style of providing direction, implementing plan and motivating people. Various authors have proposed identifying many different leadership as exhibited by leader in organization, business and other fields. Types of leadership style are democratic leadership, autocratic leadership, laissez faire leadership.
Supervisor involved in the democratic leadership style. Democratic leadership is the leader who discuss the idea of the goal and all matters with coworker and decision made from the discussion. Our supervisor call for the meeting and make a round table conference every on get the same pattern chair and each individual can express their ideas in the discussion even though the decision is planned before the meeting or the goal is guessed by our supervisor. The table is open to express each one ideas. The decision concluded in the conference and who are opposed the ideas were get convinced. 
When the school expects the result the need to provide a decision, an autocratic leader is the best choice to come up with a solution for the whole group on their own. The autocratic leader style is followed by the supervisor when the coworkers come up with the issue would usually resolve an issue and make decisions for the group using opinions and what they feel is needed or utmost significant for the majority of the group members to benefit at that time (Dessler, 2004). While examine the footage of research, these were the leaders that would decide for the gathering and direct when they would wake up and depart, and exactly how far they should work to complete for that day. If the group came across any conflicts or barriers within the expedition, these leaders would also make the decisions on their own, inquiring feedback from the three hired instructors to ensure that their decisions were okay.
Followed by the factors highlight the need for a strong and real-world definition of what a supervisor should know and be able to do in order to improve the effectiveness of the leaders with whom they work. Strength of the supervisor known and followed the strategies in accomplish the goal by using autocratic leadership style characterized by supervisor control over all decisions and little input from group members. Autocratic supervisor classically make selections based on their own ideas and decisions and rarely accept advice from followers. This method used to accomplish the task by authoritarian control over a group.
Most of the process of doing activities handles in the democratic style and behavioral theory and concepts. The democratic leaders were those who grabbed a very calm yet in-control approach to leading the group. Participative leaders, more often than not, would look up the group when upcoming a matter and consider their ideas, but the leader holds the final say in what specific method is reserved  (Dessler, 2004).

Characteristics of Democratic Leadership match with supervisor

Some of the basic characteristics of democratic leadership that clears out the how the democratic leadership is identified.
Group members are encouraged to speak out in the conference or in meeting an activities of share ideas and opinions, even though the leader retains the final conclusion make of hearing every on opinion.
Members of the group feel more engaged in the process. Because their opinion are partially accepted and leader give some role to the member to complete the task.
Creativity is were appreciated and providing supporting materials to complete the process. So that show encouragement to the teacher that their ideology approved. At the end of the completion of work award or prize gifted to motivate the teacher.

Benefits of supervisor using Democratic Leadership 

Supervisor used to give support to the group members are encouraged to share their thoughts, democratic leadership help him to can lead to get better ideas and more creative solutions for the most of the problems. Group members also satisfied with the job that motivate more involved and committed to complete task, making the group teachers to  more likely to care about the result at the end. These leaders would then talk amongst themselves and come to a decision as to what the group would do by the way leader get the final goal. Research on leadership styles has also show that democratic leadership leads to higher productivity among the colleagues.
Because of more interactive with the teachers the supervisor produce high quality and high quantity work for long periods of time. Staff like the concern because of their ideas are viewed and used, so that the result what they expected were achieve by the school gives trust they receive and respond with cooperation, team spirit, and high morale.
Supervisor is again more deeply involved in the democratic leadership style that when the school don’t want to use or decide over the teachers that affects the output were consider correctly. When there is not have enough time to get everyone’s input the democratic policy is not used. For example in the exam time other sports program also scheduled that are not informed or arrange meeting with all members. In some situation the task is necessary to complete but it consume more cost it is easier and more cost-effective for the management to make the decision without the staff concern. In some situation the there is no choice of option to get fail the democratic decision making can’t effective in such situation the supervisor lead the situation perfectly. Supervisor feels threatened sometime that a group of students they not in the control by this type of leadership that discussing the problem when the group unrespect not shows value to the supervisor such situation avoid the policy and handled the situation by using autocratic.  

Disadvantages of Democratic Leadership identified by supervisor

Even though democratic leadership has been described as the most effective leadership style it have some in appropriate measure which is not supportable, also it does have some potential disadvantages. In some situation the supervisor work with everyone as like a coworker in such situations where roles are unclear with the new teacher they take as advantage and play tricks which lea the situation as unethical or time is of the essence to solve the situation to solve the unethical problems, democratic leadership can lead to communication failures in most of the time staff have the habit of democratic way of communication to initiate the task but because of time limit any immediate arrangement not cooperated with staff and it turns in to uncompleted task. In some cases, group members may not have the necessary knowledge or expertise to make quality contributions to the decision-making process.
Democratic leadership works best in situations where group members are skilled and eager to share their knowledge. It is also important to have plenty of time to allow people to contribute, develop a plan and then vote on the best course of action. It is the time consuming leadership style to achieve such environment to form in the school or the concern. Understanding or initiative and willingness member if available this method will be effective to execute in the school or organization.

Evidence collection and view

The selected leader is applied to the behavior theory and the democratic style. The behavior theory explains the activity or social or professional interaction with colleague and other people show have different behavior from other for example he is very tolerant of handling the situational issues. For example when collecting information about the supervisor on teacher shared that One day one boy misbehave in class room with subject teacher, that is, the boy threw an eraser on the classmate but that eraser bounced in front of the class. When the teacher ask in classroom generally that who throw that eraser. All student replied that no one knows but the teacher identified the person and told the boy to stand. The boy opposed and scold the teacher that become an issue. That issue came to the supervisor to deal the problem, supervisor so patiently discuss with the student and teacher to narrate the situation. He did not get impatient in any situation. The boy is very angry to narrate the situation and lied. He made some tricky question to the student to reveal the truth. The dealing of the matter with student in that situation show very different behaviorism found in the supervisor. Characters are the situations that are distinct by a set of expectations about behavior of any job mandatory. Each role has a set of responsibilities and tasks that may or may not be indicated out. Roles have a controlling effect on behavior for several explanations, to include money being paid for the presentation of the role, there is respect involved to a role, and a sense of achievement or challenge.
Supervisors are appointed to inspect and control and then to provide that support. Traditionally, supervisors have concentrate on the school leaders, and look for the target that to achieve in any extent, complied with local policies and state some situation supervisor have to act individually or as a group. The leadership theories gives a vast ideal to deal with the situation but the approach achieved when the issue handled with the presence mind and from the experience of the ideology.
   Recent research recommends some ideas that supervisors can positively approach and handles then student results by helping principals grow as behavioral leaders. By getting the right training and support, they can assess and evaluate supervisor’s present leadership practices and identify trained learning prospects most likely to lead to improvements in the quality of teaching, learning and achievement. Furthermore, they can guarantee that the supervisors work and vision aligns with constituency goals, and that the school management effectively supports leaders, schools and student success.


Leadership theories and concept using by the supervisor is more effective when the supervisor went through the studies to get broad knowledge to execute in their work. Broadening the ideology by using the book and online resources to studies theories and concept of the leadership style, models and theories. The supervisor succeeded in the leadership by trough some of concept known in experience and studies


Bass, B. (1990). Handbook of leadership: Theory, research, and managerial applications, 3rd Edition. New York: The Free Press.
Dessler, G. &. (2004). Management: Principles and practices for tomorrow’s leaders (2nd ed.). Toronto, Ontario: Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Graham, J. (1997). Outdoor leadership: Technique, common sense and self confidence. Seattle, WA: The Mountaineers.
Martin, B. C. (2006). Leadership in outdoor education and recreation. Champaign,IL: Human Kinetics.

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