Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Argumentative essay Is online education better than traditional classroom education?

Almost every job uses it. In engineer use it, school use it, medical field use it, civil person use it and kids definitely uses it. Then what is technology? (Wikipedia, 2016) Defines as, technology is tool which simplifies the longer work to be shorter. The computer and online technology is used in house and offices. There are many tools are used in day today life, to simplify the daily task. Online internet service give many services such as shopping food and anything. The life task become simple because of online services. When education begin there is no pencil, no paper no experts but now, education feeds knowledge through the expert to learn fast an effectively.
Traditional classroom education teaches discipline, punctuality formation and group work. Social interaction happens while going to school and chat in classroom and with teacher and so on. It have a systematic education pattern and control relies self-control. (Brocato, 2015) Explains traditional classroom activity teaches more than the education in good behavior. GPA (U.S. Department of Education (2007)., 2008) in gender does not affected in the outcome of the effective education. Face to face education makes interaction learning sympathy enhances different way of explanation. It forms order, happiness while chatting and solve out the solution gives confident and more social value improved.  But latest technologies can be used.
Online education courses increased in day today life. Offers many category of courses and give effective support through video conferencing, chat room and animation videos. Past studies shown that online studies given better result (Maninger, 2006) .Online education is flexible in time, source search, interaction with many people to clear doubt and get wide knowledge about every things. Student can spend enough time on studies, if the student interested on particular topic can study more on that. It gives independency of completion work give confident in life.
In online education provide vast knowledge and many offer to study. (Halverson, 2009) It turns complete atmosphere of learning path in to high tech manner. Studies cannot be a burden, when student like to studies and do research on topic. Meanwhile online studies does not teach a social interaction among the people. Physical fitness get spoil. Traditional education help to the weak student who are not initiative in work can be reinforced by teacher to guide according to the level and direct them. Physical interaction teaches more than the education in personality.
 Even though traditional and online courses available, it can used in balance technology and tradition gives a better education. Education is a tool to drive the person skill and personality empowerment in faster and in knowledge way. Idea gather through education is logically work out and can be steady in the traditional learning benefit are not in online learning. (Bauer, 2005)But when the traditional benefit and online benefit uses in the balance form, it brought out a better result. Traditional values must not be lost and latest technology cannot be ignored. Traditional education can reform with implementation of online education.


Bauer, J. (2005). Toward technology integration in the schools. Why it isn’t happening [Electronic version]., 19-25.
Brocato, B. A. (2015). Student perceptions and instructional evaluations. In A multivariate analysis of online and face-to-face classroom settings. (pp. 42-50). Education and Information Technologies.
Halverson, R. &. (2009). How new technologies have (and have not) changed teaching and learning in schools [Electronic version]. Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, 49-52.
Maninger, R. (2006). Successful technology integration. In TechTrends,Linking Research and Practice to Improve Learning, 50(5) (pp. 37-45). Student test scores improved in an English literature course through the use of supportive devices.
U.S. Department of Education (2007). (2008, January 24). Retrieved from No Child Left Behind State Technology Plan.:
Wikipedia. (2016, 05 22). Retrieved from Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia.:

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