Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Assessment of education about the student is formative and in formal

Assessment of the students were state by (Goodrum, 2001)that, ideally, Assessment “enhancing student learning, provides feedback about progress of students learning, builds self-confidence and self-esteem, and develops skills in evaluation”. Characteristic of Assessment enhances the foundation of the current studies. Educator can decide that which assessment method have to use to the particular group of students.
In this report specially used formal and informal assessment is used. In formal assessment explain that the collection of data with evidence relating to the goal of learning assessed. Informal assessment explains more deep in the learning outcomes with evidence by through observing behaviour, background of child and activities.

Informal assessment

Assessment in early childhood education determine different factors such as children’s behaviour, skill, activity, background of the child were measured. By keeping the documentation about the child behaviour records behaviour assessed and skill examined by giving specific task to the child. Child background and care takers interview are collect the information for the further steps to carry out. The concept of assessment according to (Herrera, 2007), “refers to the ability of an assessment, process, or product to measure the knowledge or skills it is considered to measure”. However, validity in in formal forms of assessment is explain as the appropriate interpretation of assessment result, which deals with quantitative data (Linn, 2005).

Formal assessment

Assessment in early childhood education in formal assessment determine the problem of the learning and suggest to the children how to overcome from the barrier. Negative points were suggest to children to correct explain in mild manner. (Herrera, 2007) , include formal and informal assessment along with other types of authentic assessment, such as performance-based assessment, portfolios, self-assessment and peer assessment, interview-based assessment, play based assessment, cooperative groups assessment, dialogue, journal, and scaffold essays.


Materials that are collected as a part of ongoing assessment is placed in each child’s portfolio. A portfolio is a collection of materials that shows a person’s abilities, accomplishments, and progress over time. Portfolios create for the children in the care summarize each child’s abilities. A portfolio includes items that show the child’s growth and development over time. Documenting learning is an important skill for teachers to develop.

Ability of the children

Comparison: current from the previous performance examine what is typical and what can expect in next level were determine.

Collective development: collected information are no longer used and finding the strength and weak from the report. Focus on the needs to improve environment to the education

Professional and families reading: how child attends, plays with peers and toys, reacts in planed vs. unplanned situations; quality and representativeness of child's responses

Factors that affects the children performance were found in the assessment that reported as follows

Linguistics differences: culturally link developmental expectations, attitude difference make the children barriers to improve. Linguistics skills proficiency in first language and second languages which present in the culture and conversation within the partners.

Environmental factors and family: unique knowledge, resources, and experiences that enhance development in some cases but mostly failed. Self-identified needs for information and support were not accessible to get into. Beliefs, preferences, and values regarding child-rearing, development, learning.

Health and personality:  health condition and medicines affects the performance. Interaction of coping style, learning style, likes and dislikes, state, temperament with developmental performance.

Findings of information

Children’s performance finding: comments pointing consistent patterns in the positive view the relationship of the patterns to unique characteristics and circumstances such as cultural and linguistic background, personality. Relationship of patterns to possible environmental demands making the understanding to the children. Scaffolding approaches that support performance the types of assistance, material preferences, and task accommodations comments relating patterns to questions arising from previous service provider concerns.

Family expectations: explanation relating to family concerns, questions, and priorities must give a motivational comments. Remarks of any diagnostic information about the child which helps the family’s interpretations of the child’s pattern of strengths and needs.

Learnings needs: discussing about the health or medical conditions diagnosed as part of the assessment which accountable to the improvement of the child. Eligibility recommendations cumulate by comments of child’s level of functioning in relation to meeting criteria for categories of eligibility knowledge and skills. Consider appendices to the report for reporting to agencies that require test scores or diagnostic labels.

Advantages of assessment
1.      Assessment is the direct method of collecting data or information to improve the student learning for further activities.
2.      Collecting of data is very accurate and more reliable to compare with other records.
3.      Improves precision of the student abilities.
4.      Problems on depending on the situation get reduces.
5.      Long term assessment improves the educator to do better in future cases.
6.      Problems short out and clarifies by through the observe document.

Disadvantage of assessment

1.      Past details cannot be studied in the assessment
2.      Most of time have to depend on the documentation
3.      Assessment need to be studied and researched to how to implement use in progress is costly to do.
4.      By using the documentation cannot identify or judge the full nature of children.
5.      Complete solution for any problem cannot be obtained with the assessment alone.
6.      Sampling cannot be brought into practical.


Writing a report about assessment used in early childhood explains experience with the children and teacher relation which is used to measure the child activities and learning outcomes.


Dhindsa, H. O. (2007). Upper Secondary Bruneian Science. International Journal of Science Education, 1281-1280.
Goodrum, D. H. (2001). The status and quality of teaching and learning. Canberra: Department of Education, Training and Youth.
Herrera, S. M. (2007). Assessment accommodations for classroom. Boston, MA: Pearson Education.
Linn, R. L. (2005). Measurement and assessment in teaching (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

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