aim of the assignment is develop a lesson plan for Key stage 1 for a choice of
topic and applying the effective pedagogical strategies learned in this module
in adapting the curriculum based on students learning needs. Curriculum
adaptation is essential additional processes of the inclusive education for
special need students. It enable the educating
team to welcome the learner to bring up the leaner ability to challenge to teach
effectively (Hart, 2009) . Inclusion of the student
in to classroom is collective responsibility to deal with the student by all
teachers, parent and academic support to achieve student learning future.
Curriculum adaptation is needed in every part in the student’s day.
preparation to welcome the student to the classroom who are affected by hearing
impairment, the types of component used to inclusion classroom are positive
attitude, education helper support, professional development opportunities,
strategies techniques and materials. And also adaptation have to done for
students with hearing impairment in planning, teaching, assessment, environment
and resources.
delivering the lesson to the special need student have to make an individual
education plan such as adaptation in planning, teaching, assessment,
environment and resources. Planning with the SEN team for the material
requirement such as printouts or audio video presentation. Then environmental
adaptation such as colouring the classroom, seat arrangement and space in the
in assessment, hearing impairment student are assessed by using oral or written
scripts instead of audiotapes. Students will be allowed to take their own time
to complete the task.
education settings can use different thinking skills, it is benefited to the
de Bono’s 6 thinking Hats can be used, this give involvement to student in the
activity (De Bono, 1992d) . The six hats
explains the procedure to achieve the goal. The white hat wearer group express
neutral talk and objective way, the yellow hat wearer group express optimism
and the logical positive view of things, the black hat wearer group express
Judgment, caution and evaluation, the red hat wearer group express intuition,
feelings, hunches and emotions, the green hat wearer group express concerned
with creating new ideas and new ways of looking at things, the blue hat wearer
group express blue organizing and controlling the thinking process so that it
becomes more productive (De Bono, Six Thinking Hats, 1956) .
intelligence theory helps to teach to the special need students by identifying
their talent and approach accordingly (Gardner, 1993a) . That includes,
Linguistic, Logical-mathematical, Bodily-kinaesthetic, Visual-spatial, Musical,
Interpersonal, Intrapersonal and Naturalistic.
Taxonomy helps to approach the lesson in the classroom by cognitive, affective,
and psychomotor (Bloom, 1956) .
keys are designed to unlock different thinking process, there are 20 different
thinker keys available. This help to plan classroom activities more
Bloom, B. (. (1956). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook I:
The Cognitive Domain. New York: David McKay Co Inc.
De Bono, E. (1956). Six Thinking Hats.
Cambridge: Little, Brown and Company.
De Bono, E. (1992d). Six Thinking Hats for
Schools. Melbourne: Hawker Brownlow Education.
Gardner, H. (1993a). Frames of mind: The theory of
multiple intelligences (10th anniversary ed.). New York: Basic Books.
Hart, M. (2009). Implementing change in
instructional delivery of classroom curriculum. Amherst: University of
effective pedagogical strategies in teaching
lesson plan
Subject: ICT
Strand: The
Sub-strand: Arrow keys, Caps Lock key
Theme: computer keyboard
Duration: 45 min
Lesson: 03
Key concepts: Identifies the
basic keys on a keyboard
Key competencies: Using
Technology & the Media, Using Sustainable Practices
Outcomes: enhance the knowledge of the students about a computer keyboard and
different types of keys on it
Learning indicators
Identifies the basic keys on a keyboard (Eg. Letter Keys, Number Keys,
Arrow Keys, etc.)
de Bono’s 6 thinking Hats applied in the classroom teaching
are welcome to the class by greeting the students, introduce the topic by
asking previous day topic question and make them to relevant to the keyboard
keys topic.
though the student groups are hearing impairments, they are good in watching
and react in the activities. Introduce the class by showing six colour group of
hats and keyboard to the student. Explain the student about the hats colour
represents and how to react when the hat wear groups. Activity is planned for
30 minutes apart from introduction and conclusion.
At first white hats are given to the students and
ask them to neutral talk and objective way, that means students were asked to
answer the question that “what are the characters are found in the computer?”
teacher answer for the response of the students. Relating the student’s idea
with the topic like the word which are told by the student character were show
in the keyboard.
change white to yellow hat and ask to express optimism and the logical positive
view of things, which means “what are the character types found in computer
documents?” students replies were written in the board and find the number of
type key group in the keyboard.
time change yellow hats to black hat ask to express Judgment, caution and
evaluation. Like “whether this type’s key are enough or extra key group can be
include in keyboard?” responses were note down in the board and review to
explain the other types of keyboard that are exist.
time change black hat to red hat and ask to express intuition, feelings,
hunches and emotions, which means ask question like “why key board are used to
the computer?” replies will be reviewed and change the thinking to interaction
with computer like human body gives input to the brain.
time change red hat to green hat and ask to express the concerned with creating
new ideas and new ways of looking at things, like discuss what other key available
and in which situation it is useful.
time change green hat to blue hat and ask them to organizing and controlling
the thinking process, like conclude the activity by recap the types of keys in
keyboard and use of the keys.
Differentiation Adaptation
to specific group of students
in an educational approach for different need, the selected group of students
are hearing impairment. Teaching to this students require a special plan in
content, process, product and learning environment.
have modify for the hearing impairment students that what the student will
learn and how they will access the learning.
regular verbal in teaching and motivational talk in every movement.
the lesson by using ICT by through video and audio lesson.
visual supports to enhance understanding by iconic key words or signing to
augment understanding of verbal directions.
the picture or graphics and symbols to deliver the topic by using software.
support other sequences process such as playing, hands on material and modelled
number of task that the student require and expand the time to complete the task.
visual choice boards, concrete items or tablet apps and iPad to prompt
and learning environment
visual cue of questions to answer that help hearing impaired student.
the students close to main source.
sensory distractions like noise, smell etc
Adaptation in teaching,
before teaching the activity make sure the student previous knowledge about the
topic, gain the attention of student. Deliver the activity by using simple
word, while speaking avoid to keep the object in which may hide your face to
the student. While speaking to the student avoid moving. Use more visual aid
for teaching and routine works use to display in picture form.
the student is to understand their improvement and identifying teaching change
requirement. Students are assessed by AFL and AoFL, AFL is used to understand
teaching style for the student and AoFL is used to measure learning outcome
reports to show students, parents and administrators. In this topic identifying
the keyboard key are goal of the activity that explained to the student.
in classroom by using effective pedagogy and practice in inclusive setting make
better performance in the student’s life. This activities make the classroom so
interesting and effective.
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